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Friday, June 7, 2013

Welcome Monsoon.... !!!! Expect less accept more ...:)

I know there are many species on planet earth who love monsoon (Rain).... And I am one of them.... :)
I love the freshness in the season... The shades of green, the fragrance of mother earth, the wetness in the air ..... I still crave for rainbow in monsoon time....... :)  I love the weather which bring changes on arrival of monsoon... !!!

I feel there is some natural connection between me and  nature especially with monsoon ... For me monsoon is the natural outburst at right moment, you cannot force it, drag it, delay it.... Same like our feelings and emotions..... Which right time for its arrival and departure... :)

I learn lessons of life  from Monsoon- It's process teaches me that everything has a right time, be prepared for uncertainties....:)  Expect less accept more is one of the most important funda of monsoon....!!! one can learn the devotion from clouds as they  pour themselves down on the earth ... meet oceans and again pour themselves down making planet earth full of life and greenery all  around ...

The thunder storms, the lightening sky , the stormy wind stays for a moment and gives way for blessings of monsoon for us... :) No feeling stays permanent be it happiness or sadness ... It's a process having a cyclic nature... One after the other .... and continues forever .. nothing stays longer.. each emotion has its expiry moment .... :)

In each drop I feel purity, each drop is a pearl of memory for me... I love to see the leaves dancing when the rain drop is falling on them , the flowers smiling and blooming more beautifully..... :) I feel same when its rains as the tears roll down with satisfaction and acceptance of a situation... Its kind of a mature feeling for me ...:)

Happy and lovey mOnsoon to all , Let the dryness may turn to freshness, let all vain thoughts may drain in to the oceans depth, Welcome a new drop as a new hope to live better with peace and Purity .... :)

Stay blessed, in bliss with monsoon ...:)

Love , Live and care for all ... :) 

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