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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

“Against the Tide”

If you are simply addicted to read , read and read for getting introduced to new concepts. Just to expand your horizon of thinking through reading. And in this process you learn lessons in life, which may be a key in your complex life. I am an avid reader on blogs. I have come across a blog “Against the Tide” which is simply dedicated to students of mass media by a journalist, Joe Pinto.

I being a media student know Pinto sir at our college for his lectures on feature writing. He was the strictest among all professors. But he was most concerned about the writing style and teaching the art of writing to students from the bottom of his heart. For this very reason he created a blog “Against the Tide”. 

“Against the Tide”, is open for discussions and comments and putting forward doubts related to mass media and communication. Since Joe Pinto sir has a varied experience in the field of journalism he guides and enlightens students based on his experience.
He had held various positions in his career of journalism few of them are Editor of Gomantak Times, Assistant Editor of Maharashtra Herald, a consultant at Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana, on their Trustee Empowerment and Teacher Training programmes, and also as a visiting faculty in mass media institutes and colleges. 

The aim of “Against the Tide” is to keep increasing the strength and faith of the students in journalistic principles, values and ethics. To build a set of connections of journalists, who think for themselves and will not, therefore, put up for sale themselves as the "stenographers of corporate power" in the pursuit of "manufacturing consent" or knitting the public opinion.

The blog further aims to help student like us stand firm to the lure of mass media, especially due to corporate influence. Also to encourage the media student to cherish and uphold their own consciences; to learn how to keep listening to own self even in chaotic situations. Some times we feel media in crisis, when we come across the examples of journalist in the present issues of scams. But People like Pinto sir, helps us to rekindle our faith in journalism.
“Against the Tide” has helped me a lot in clarifying my doubts, as Pinto sir not only gives you fish to eat for the day but he teaches how to catch fish by giving us a net of knowledge in the field of mass media.
Here is the link ...
I had written this article when I had just started freelancing with Sakaal Times .... :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

.... तभी उलफत से बेहतर नफरत लगे हमें ...!!

कुछ शाखायें बस टूट जाती है,
मर्रहम कोई भी करो बस बिखर जाती है ....

टूटना बिखरना फितरत है नहीं हमारी ,
बिखरकर भी निखरना आदत है हमारी ...

अगर अल्फाजो में आवाज़ सुन सको,
तो अपने जेहेन  में हमें रखो ...

फुरसत में अपनी आवाज़ सुनो ,
कही हमारे लब्ज़ तो नहीं गुनगुना रहे  वही ..

खैर , कोई शिकवे  हो तो मिटा लेते  ,
पर , शिकवे कोई नहीं यही तो गिला है ...

तेरी यादों का सन्नाटा , गूंजे जेहेन में ,
तभी  उलफत से बेहतर नफरत लगे हमें ...

--  तेज 

Dwelling in the Past ........ !!!!

There is no problem dwelling in past , unless and until you know that it is past and it has gone....!!!

So one must knock at your mind regularly. Read it, no need to understand it , but listen to your thoughts . Don't keep them stagnant, Visit your thoughts often  ...In-fact I reject the thought which say's " Ignore past or thoughts of past ".

Do not ignore past thoughts. Let your mind know them well that - it was past  , recognise its origin - roots, nature. Unless and until past thoughts are digested properly you cannot make way for new thoughts.When you visit your mind regularly it remains afresh. New plain thoughts may enter, with the acceptance of passed thoughts.

It's like if you have to win  a race on a track in speed. You do not keep staring at track , knowing the facts and figures about track and winning records and imagine your win.. Right ..? So you must land on the track, let your own feet feel the track, its length... Let your feet and breath together feel the race understand their own ability to win ....  This is winning over your mind ...:)

So go, Knock it, know it , ...:)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Welcome Monsoon.... !!!! Expect less accept more ...:)

I know there are many species on planet earth who love monsoon (Rain).... And I am one of them.... :)
I love the freshness in the season... The shades of green, the fragrance of mother earth, the wetness in the air ..... I still crave for rainbow in monsoon time....... :)  I love the weather which bring changes on arrival of monsoon... !!!

I feel there is some natural connection between me and  nature especially with monsoon ... For me monsoon is the natural outburst at right moment, you cannot force it, drag it, delay it.... Same like our feelings and emotions..... Which right time for its arrival and departure... :)

I learn lessons of life  from Monsoon- It's process teaches me that everything has a right time, be prepared for uncertainties....:)  Expect less accept more is one of the most important funda of monsoon....!!! one can learn the devotion from clouds as they  pour themselves down on the earth ... meet oceans and again pour themselves down making planet earth full of life and greenery all  around ...

The thunder storms, the lightening sky , the stormy wind stays for a moment and gives way for blessings of monsoon for us... :) No feeling stays permanent be it happiness or sadness ... It's a process having a cyclic nature... One after the other .... and continues forever .. nothing stays longer.. each emotion has its expiry moment .... :)

In each drop I feel purity, each drop is a pearl of memory for me... I love to see the leaves dancing when the rain drop is falling on them , the flowers smiling and blooming more beautifully..... :) I feel same when its rains as the tears roll down with satisfaction and acceptance of a situation... Its kind of a mature feeling for me ...:)

Happy and lovey mOnsoon to all , Let the dryness may turn to freshness, let all vain thoughts may drain in to the oceans depth, Welcome a new drop as a new hope to live better with peace and Purity .... :)

Stay blessed, in bliss with monsoon ...:)

Love , Live and care for all ... :)