India' is an entity, largely Anglicised and relatively better-off, which obtained the legacy of colonial exploitation from the British; while `Bharat' is largely rural, agricultural, poor and backward, and is subjected to colonial-like exploitation even after the end of the Raj.........And its the exploitation of India over Bharat I feel.........
There’s a huge gap between India and Bharat. The dream of India as a superpower is very attractive, but who will bridge the gap between India and Bharat? Do we have hopes from the political leaders? Its impossible to nod our head and say yes.... Isnt it?
So its who's responsibility ? Its difficult and har to take blame on our head but that is the reality... we have to first accept and agree that its because of us this gap is widening. How can we forget the Rural Bharat ? We have our two times meal because of them and they are hungry because of us.....
It is said that India is a young country with youth potential unexplored yet. I feel why don't we take up the responsibility , dont rely on these double standard politicians..... lets face this challege on our own ... we will bridge the gap..... and will knit India and Bharat together with the Idea of United India. And we could really do this it just requires the commitment to ourselfs ond our mother land...... we can start in any feild be it education, politics, community service, technology assistance, environment, and so on.... lets start ..... I have started in my own way to do this....
lets contribute in this dream.....